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The Media Misery Index

Percentage of people who get most of their national and international news from the newspaper in 2008: 35

Percentage of people who get most of their national and international news from the Internet in 2008: 40

Percentage of people who got it from the Internet in 2001: 13

Source: The Pew Research Center for The People & The Press (PEW)


Total daily newspaper circulation in 2000: 55,773,000

Total daily newspaper circulation in 2007: 50,742,000

Source: Editor & Publisher International Yearbook


Decline in the Sunday circulation of The New York Times in the six months ending on March 31, 2007: 9.3 percent

Source: Audit Bureau of Circulations


Size of Newsweek's advertising rate base in 2007: 3.1 million

Projected size of Newsweek's rate base in January 2010: 1.5 million

Source: The New York Times, 2/8/09


Amount total print ad revenue for newspapers was up in the third quarter of 2000: 4.3 percent

Amount print ad revenue for newspapers was down in the third quarter of 2006: 2.6 percent

Amount print ad revenue for newspapers was down in the third quarter of 2007: 9 percent

Amount print ad revenue for newspapers was down in the third quarter of 2008: 19.26 percent

Source: Newspaper Association of America


Total newspaper revenue from automotive classifieds in 2003: $5.2 billion

Total newspaper revenue from automotive classifieds in 2007: $3.26 billion

Source: Newspaper Association of America


Percentage the Dow dropped in 2008: 34 percent

Percentage the Gannett Company's stock dropped in 2008: 79 percent

Percentage the New York Times Company stock fell that same year: 62 percent

The percentage that the New York Times Company stock has fallen since 2002, as of press time: 89 percent

Percentage of national print journalists who spend half or more of their time producing unique content for their outlet's website: 26 percent

Percentage of national print journalists who say the website is of equal or greater priority than the print edition at their publication: 41 percent

Source: PEW and the Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ), 2008


Percentage of ad revenues traditionally provided by total newspaper ads: 33- 50 percent

Source: Erik Sass, MediaDailyNews


Percentage of newspaper profits provided by online ad revenue in the third quarter of 2008: 8.4 percent

Source: Newspaper Association of America


Number of employees in the newspaper division of Gannett in 2000: 41,000

Number of employees currently in its newspaper division (roughly): 29,000

Source: MediaDailyNews


Amount the number of U.S. wire services and newspapers accredited to cover Congress has fallen since the mid-1980s: 72 percent

Source: PEJ


The number of foreign newspaper correspondents in 2002: 188

The number of foreign newspaper correspondents in 2006: 141

Source: The Washington Post


Membership in DC's Regional Reporters Association in 1985, its largest year: 200

Membership in DC's Regional Reporters Association in 2009: 73

Source: Regional Reporters Association


Peak number of Washington Bureau staff in the seven surviving Tribune Co. newspapers (includes the Los Angeles Times, Hartford Courant, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, and others), combined: 110

Current number staff in Washington for those seven papers: 35

Source: PEJ


Percentage of local print journalists who reported staff cutbacks between 2004 and 2007: 82 percent

Percentage of national print journalists who reported staff cutbacks between 2004 and 2007: 69 percent

Source: PEW and PEJ


Percentage of respondents who believed the press "hurt democracy" in 2007: 36 percent

Source: PEW
