“Why not just release the transcripts and put this whole issue to bed?” CNN’s Dana Bash asked at the Democratic debate in Brooklyn Thursday night.
Clinton responded: “I’m the only one on this stage that who did not vote to deregulate swaps and derivatives, as Senator Sanders did, which led to a lot of the problems we had with Lehman Brothers.”
Bash pressed her again: “The question was about the transcripts of the speeches to Goldman Sachs.”
Again, Clinton tried to sidestep. “There are certain expectations when you run for president. This is a new one,” she said. “But I will tell you this there is a longstanding expectation that everyone running release their tax returns.”
This has happened before. At the fifth Democratic debate, Anderson Cooper pointed out that she had accepted $675,000 for three paid speeches at Goldman Sachs. He asked whether she thought that sum was unseemly.
“Well, I don’t know,” Clinton replied. “That’s what they offered.”