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Lovestruck Poets, Drug Wars, and Jonathan Franzen: Today's TNR Reader

Editor's Note: We'll be running the article recommendations of our friends at TNR Reader each afternoon on The Plank, just in time to print out or save for your commute home. Enjoy!

 Why did the two greatest poets of the twentieth century—Auden and Larkin—have such trouble writing about love?

Slate | 11 min (2,666 words)

In the battle between a corrupt Honduran regime and drug lords, the United States has chosen sides. And we are making things worse. 

The Nation | 15 min (3, 674 words)

Shame, guilt, and disloyalty: Jonathan Franzen on the ingredients that made up Freedom.

The Guardian | 23 min (5, 820 words)

Is the MEK an Iranian dissident organization or a strange cult? It's both, actually. 

LRB | 14 min (3, 563 words)